What Culture Are You Building for Your Students?
By Tim Elmore Sometimes when I reflect on a meeting I’ve had with a high school or college student, I recognize how inadequate my approach to our discussion was. While my words may have been accurate and honest, my tone was not hopeful. It wasn’t filled with belief, but suspicion that they might not be getting it. Reflect on the last
Four Strategies to Help You Stop Stereotyping Teens
By Tim Elmore None of us like for others to stereotype us. When we were young, we hated it when adults assumed something was true about us and never gave us a chance to prove them wrong. I wore my hair a bit longer when I was a high school student, and I am certain some of the faculty on campus
The Connection Between Kids’ Happiness and Their Expectations
By Tim Elmore Members of Generation Z, by and large, have been raised by parents or guardians who’ve prioritized the importance of happiness. What parent doesn’t want their kids to be happy? We talk about this subject so much that there are bestselling books, webinars, and even university courses on it. But today’s population has bought into a lie about happiness that
What Teachers Really Want From Their Leaders
By Tim Elmore Last month, I had the privilege again to speak to the “Teachers As Leaders” in Gwinnett County Public School District, just north of Atlanta. What an energizing, curious, and smart community of educational leaders they are! I’m energized every time I’m with them. Thank you, Derrick Berchette, for the invitation. To kick off the day, Dr. Chandra Walker asked
Four Rules That Could Reverse the Anxiety Epidemic in Teens
By Tim Elmore Most teenagers today are aware of the negative impact of smartphones. By this point, they all seem to know it deepens anxiety, heightens negative emotions, and increases FOMO. Sadly, most students don’t get off the very device that induces these negative consequences because all of their friends are still on them. Cue the cavalry. NYU social psychologist Jonathan Haidt has