The Santa Claus Clause: 3 Ways to Infuse Joy into Your Job This Holiday
By Patrick Erwin I can distinctly remember waking up in the early hours of the morning as a young child and running down the hallway to see what Santa had brought. What would be the big gift this year? Would it be a bicycle? A gaming system? The suspense was too much to hold us in our beds, and so it
Helping Your Students Discern Between Wants and Needs
By Tim Elmore I’ve witnessed a measurable shift in the way parents view their role today. When I was growing up, parents believed they did a good job if they gave their child everything she or he needed. Today, parents believe they’ve done a good job if they give their child everything they want. And while the pursuit feels noble, it’s
What Is Our Purpose as Educators?
By Tim Elmore During a Q&A session with an audience of 700 secondary educators, one math teacher raised his hand. His question for me was revealing: “What should I say,” he inquired, “if students ask me if they will ever use this stuff after graduation?” This was an AP math instructor with gifted students. Yet his question revealed that he had no