Four of the Best Ways to Make the Most of This Season

I love remembering the story of two young men who both contracted the deadly disease, Polio, almost a hundred years ago. One man became understandably bitter over his prognosis. He would be confined to a wheelchair and never get to do what most young men do at his age. He decided to give up on his dreams and languished for the rest of his life. 

The other made a crucial decision. He had planned to enter civil service and felt that his disease may just help him identify with those who are less fortunate. This man rose to public office and later leveraged his disease to pull people together. You’ve probably never heard of the first man, who shrunk into anonymity. We all know the second man – Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

This summer, you and I are faced with a decision as well. 

Wait or Wait?

We can either sit back and merely wait for an announcement on how the fall school year will open up, or we can wait in an entirely different way. We can be like a “waiter” who serves, who looks for ways to be helpful, who stays active waiting on others in the restaurant. 

  • Our waiting can be passive. (Sit around and expect others to move.)
  • Our waiting can be active. (Stay open, keep growing, and get ready.)

Since most of us remain in a quarantine zone at home, I’d like to remind you of the benefits of virtual training. It’s one great way to stay active. I have observed over the last four months that I’ve grown tangibly through virtual events, webinars, Google hangouts, and yes, even Zoom calls (my friend Rob swears he has “irritable zoom syndrome”).

Virtual Training Enables Activity That Live Events Cannot

Most of us like to pride ourselves on being “lifelong learners.” We know in order to stay ahead, leaders must continue to grow and adapt to new realities and challenges. Below is how virtual learning makes this easier in our quarantine season:

The Benefits of Virtual Training 

  1. You can participate in more of them since there is no travel time.
  2. You can actually take notes and apply content easier being on a screen.
  3. You can re-learn and re-listen to content since in most cases it is recorded. 
  4. You often learn more rapidly since virtual events are shorter and must get to the point.
  5. You can learn and grow in the comfort of your own home and your pajamas. 

Four Ideas to Wait and Get Better

In the spirit of “active waiting,” I’d like to encourage you not to step back, but to step up and grow this summer and fall. Below are four ideas to keep growing during right now:

1. Next Generation Facilitator Certification

We have updated our annual Habitudes Certification event and are now hosting a two-day virtual event we call the “Next Generation Facilitator Certification.” It offers creative ideas on how to engage Generation Z students who multi-task and possess shorter attention spans. In addition, it will certify you to use our Habitudes images to teach Social and Emotional Learning, Leadership, and Character Development. The next dates are July 14-15, 2020. Click HERE to learn more. 

2. Reading Resources

This summer is a great opportunity to catch up on current issues like racial equality and the COVID-19 pandemic. I suggest watching “13th,” a show on Netflix about how systemic racism became prevalent in America. Then, we are releasing a book in August to equip you to lead students in the aftermath of the coronavirus, called: “The Pandemic Population.” It offers what we can learn from the Great Depression kids and the Hong Kong Flu. You can pre-order the book later in July. 

3. Schedule a New Session 

We are offering two new events designed for educators, coaches and employers:

“The Positive and Negative Impact of COVID-19 on Generation Z”

Gen Z is growing up in a VUCA world: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous. This session provides data on how the coronavirus has influenced the mindsets of teens and how to best respond to ensure the outcomes are positive. It’s all about guiding their inward narrative. 

“Seven Strategies for Leading the Pandemic Population” 

Before today’s global pandemic, students were already facing a mental health crisis. Now, the need for social and emotional skills is greater than ever. This session provides seven practical and creative ideas to lead students into a positive narrative in the aftermath of this year. You can inquire about either of these events HERE.

4. Virtual Event: Creative Ideas for Teaching the Pandemic Population

If your school will not be hosting any live, in-person events this fall, why not schedule these events above in a virtual form, through a webinar. We have a speaker team of men and women of different ethnicities who can host a virtual event with your leadership team, faculty, or staff. You can book one HERE.

Four of the Best Ways to Make the Most of This Season