Habitudes for Career Ready Students: The Art of Preparing for a Career

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Habitudes for Career Ready Students is a turn-key curriculum that equips your students to launch into a career — rather than linger — after graduation.

This new resource helps today’s students:

  • Persevere when faced with a problem they must solve
  • Identify and harness the unique creativities they possess
  • Learn how to work on a team with diverse personalities
  • Leverage critical thinking skills to see an issue from many perspectives

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Habitudes for Career Ready Students is a powerful, image-based curriculum that helps students gain the employability skills needed to enter the job market. This new generation of students thinks and learns differently than generations past, and the best educators are adjusting their pedagogies to engage and connect with them.

This new entry in the Habitudes series brings the power of image-based learning to the field of Career and Technical Education in order to promote job readiness. Developed in partnership with the Nebraska Department of Education’s Career Education team, Habitudes for Career Ready Students takes 12 career readiness standards and anchors each of them in a memorable image, resulting in effective college and career readiness lesson plans.

Kimberly Green, the Executive Director of the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc), offered this input after reviewing Habitudes® for Career Ready Students:

“The Career Ready Practices, upon which this book is based, articulate essential skills and practices that all students need to cultivate, apply and grow as they progress through their education and career pathways. These practices form the foundation for how students learn and work. They require and reflect a commitment to lifelong learning and adaptability. Together with academic and technical skills and knowledge, Career Ready Practices will help more students find success and secure a fulfilling, living-wage career.” – Kimberly Green – Executive Director, NASDCTEc

Since implementing the Habitudes for Career Ready Students curriculum in Nebraska schools, CTE teachers report students have learned to:

  • Persevere when faced with a problem they must solve
  • Identify and harness the unique creativities they possess
  • Work effectively on a team with diverse personalities

“Habitudes for Career Ready Students is an excellent tool that supports our teachers as they help students master the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards. Our teachers say that the resources have challenged their students, equipped them to think more critically, and truly helped them understand the key competencies behind the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards.” – Dr. Cory Epler – Deputy State Director of Career Education for the Nebraska Department of Education

ISBN-13: 978-0-9960783-5-1

Pages from HBCR Sample (1)

“One of the biggest things that Habitudes has helped with is preparing our students to be career and college ready upon graduation. Habitudes helped each student become a better person and have a big picture perspective. The benefit to teachers has been significant as well. They consistently tell me they are having more conversations with students that are meaningful and have impact. Habitudes has been a game changer.”
– Jason Lane. Principal, Mill Creek High School

“Since we have implemented Habitudes, we have seen the curriculum contribute to a 45% increase in community service hours per students. Even some of our homeless kids volunteer to support our special education programs.”
– Billy Richardson, Assistant Principal of Kennesaw Mountain High School

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