Tim Elmore shows you how to avoid twelve critical mistakes parents unintentionally make. He outlines practical and effective parenting skills so you won’t fall into common traps, such as…
- making happiness a goal instead of a by-product
- praising their beauty and intelligence
- not letting them fail or suffer consequences
- lying about kids’ potential–and not exploring their true potential
- giving them what they should earn
This book is also an ideal discussion resource for faculty, PTA’s, small groups, and reading plans.
Find out why thousands of organizations have sought out Tim Elmore to help them develop young leaders–and how you can improve your leadership and parenting skills to help your kids soar.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7369-5843-1
Click on the cover below to view the free sample chapter.

“We gave Tim’s latest book 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid to each of our families to help us spark deep conversations about parenting. We believe it will show us how parents and the school can partner together to have the positive impact on our young people that we all want and need to have.”
Steve Helmich
President, Cathedral High School
Indianapolis, IN
“In our desire to be engaged parents, we sometimes do our kids more harm than good. we want to put them in a safe box, tell them not to leave it, and believe that all will be well. Tim’s book inspires us to prepare our children for their adult lives, not our safe box! If we want them to thrive, we’ve got to equip them, and this books shows us how.”
Jeremy Affeldt
pitcher, San Francisco Giants
“Our best intentions as parents can often lead to a series of unintended consequences that could dangerously derail the emotional development of our children. Once again, Dr. Tim Elmore combines research-based wisdom and practical application to keep us on track as we strive to nurture, love, and lead our children well. Buy this book. It’s destined to become the well-worn manual of every mom and dad.”
Tami Heim
former president of Borders Books
CEO, Christian Leadership Alliance
“As an educator and a student affairs practitioner with a background in mental health (and five children), I highly endorse this important perspective on parenting in today’s culture. The world we live in is more complex than ever before. Parents and educators can highly benefit from this commonsense approach to the important tools of coaching, supporting, and challenging our youth to grow, to struggle, to learn, and to becomes the best people they can be.”
Julie Talz Cox
director of residential life, Purdue University
“The challenges of life don’t get easier as our kids grow older. In 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid, Dr. Tim Elmore reminds us that leading well as parents is critical if we expect our children to meet these challenges in every phase of their lives. We must be intentional, now more than ever. This book shows us how to not merely care for our kids, but to help them care for themselves.”
Dayton Moore
general manager, Kansas City Royals
“When I first became a mom, I didn’t really know what I didn’t know. Like most parents, I learned valuable lessons from my mistakes. I wish I would have had Tim’s guidance to help me back then. His researched and thoughtful approach makes this book a valuable resource for parents and other adults involved in the lives of children. the problem isn’t that we neglect our children, but that we fail to prepare for each new life stage. Once again, Tim Elmore lays out a diagnosis and a prescription for what caring adults can do to help children mature.”
Jo Kirchner
president and CEO, Primrose Schools
“As someone who teaches, advises, and researches college students, I found that 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid provides a relevant, practical framework for recognizing students’ needs, understanding my role in their development, and acknowledging the way I can unknowingly hinder their progress. I recommend this book to any educator, especially those who work with students in transition. The 12 research-based mistakes are actually guideposts, offering us a lens to see the potential of who and what kids can be. Tim’s voice is one of a mentor and a coach–asking powerful questions and sharing practical advice to bring out the best in us so we can bring out the best in our students.”
Kerry Priest
assistant professor, Kansas State University School of Leadership Studies