Complete Habitudes Book Series [Faith-Based]


Designed as a full introduction to the series, this special package deal serves as a great opportunity to preview all the Habitudes® topics and get a feel for how you could use them in your specific environment. Included are all nine workbooks in the Habitudes: Images that Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes series.

This package includes:

  • Habitudes #1: The Art of Self-Leadership
  • Habitudes #2: The Art of Connecting With Others
  • Habitudes #3: The Art of Leading Others
  • Habitudes #4: The Art of Changing Culture
  • Habitudes for Communicators: The Art of Engaging Communication
  • Habitudes for the Journey: The Art of Navigating Transitions
  • Habitudes for Career Ready Students: The Art of Preparing for a Career
  • Habitudes for New Professionals: The Art of Launching Your Career
  • Habitudes for Life-Giving Leaders: The Art of Spiritual Leadership
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More information on the books included in this package:

  • The Art of Self-Leadership seeks to equip today’s students with strong character, a healthy personal identity, and self-discipline.
  • The Art of Connecting With Others aims to equip students with the wisdom to create healthy relationships, listen respectfully, and effectively handle criticism.
  • The Art of Leading Others seeks to teach today’s students how to determine their priorities, build an effective team, and do so with the right attitude.
  • The Art of Changing Culture seeks to help students understand what it takes to have an impact on those around them.
  • The Art of Engaging Communication seeks to equip adults with the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate with their young people.
  • The Art of Navigating Transitions seeks to teach students how to make large, critical decisions in their lives.
  • The Art of Preparing for a Career seeks to help students gain the employability skills needed to enter the job market.
  • The Art of Launching Your Career seeks to assist young professionals move from backpack to briefcase.
  • The Art of Spiritual Leadership seeks to help students become inspiring leaders who positively influence their community.


Also available in the Values-Based Version.