How To Help Your Students Stop “Fitting In” and Start “Belonging” in Your Classroom

Generations at Work
Generations at Work
How To Help Your Students Stop “Fitting In” and Start “Belonging” in Your Classroom

You’ve probably had something like this happen in your classroom this year. You work hard to have fun with your students. You create interesting and fun assignments for them, and you think it’s going well. Then something happens. A student says something harsh like, “I hate this class,” or a parent contacts you to tell you that his child is really struggling with anxiety before logging into class. You wonder how this happened. You’ve worked so hard.

As it turns out, the problem may not be something you’ve done. It might instead be something your students are not feeling: belonging. In this episode, Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak share practical tips for helping your students feel a sense of belonging in your classroom.

Resources: The Authencity Principle & Diagram of Authentic Self vs. Performing SelfHabitudes for Social & Emotional Learning
Contact: podcast@growingleaders.com
Social Media: @GrowingLeaders, @TimElmore & @AndrewMcPeak