Certified Habitudes Champion Resources:

Congratulations on becoming a certified Habitudes® Champion! This webpage is your home to access all of the complimentary materials that come along with being a part of the Growing Leaders family. Please favorite this page in your browser for future reference.

As a Certified Champion, you now have access to the following powerful tools:


Habitudes Training Deck

Train others in your school or organization on the power of teaching with images. 



Additionally, to learn more about the effectiveness of Habitudes (referenced in these slides), click HERE.

Habitudes Online Sample

As a part of your training, feel free to share this sample of The Iceberg Habitude with your team to help them see how easy this program is to use.  

Click on the button below to access your sample:



Lost and Found: Leveraging Humanity’s “Social Contract” to Support Isolated Students

In this free resource, Dr Tim Elmore describes a lost generation of students, thrown into isolation by a Pandemic and a world that seems to prefer being online to in-person social interaction. Dr Elmore introduces the idea of “humanity’s social contract” which helps us to understand how to encourage students to both be themselves and at the same time be a part of the larger body of society. We hope you will enjoy this free gift from Growing Leaders, and use it to become more connected to today’s generation.


An Early Introduction to the Alpha Generation

A lot of ink has been spilled on the subject of Generation Z and rightfully so. Our current generation of middle and high school students (those born between 2001 and 2016) are the most imminent future of our world. But what’s coming behind them. In this free resource, Dr Elmore introduces us to the Alpha Generation. It will teach you a bit about what we know, and what we suspect will make up their broad sociological personality.