Why I Have Given My Life to Develop Student Leaders

Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore
Why I Have Given My Life to Develop Student Leaders

It’s in times like these when we are reminded of why we do what we do. We focus on developing young people. Specifically, equipping students to think and act like life-giving leaders, regardless of the position they may or may not have. Over the past year alone, we saw students step up and answer the call to lead during a global pandemic. One example is college nursing majors were stepping in before they earned their degree to serve in hospitals because help was needed. In this episode, Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak discuss six patterns to look for when young influencers step up.

Resources: Habitudes for Building Student Leaders
Contact: [email protected]
Social Media: @GrowingLeaders, @TimElmore & @AndrewMcPeak