The Unhealthy Ways Gen Z Copes with Stress Today

Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore
Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore
The Unhealthy Ways Gen Z Copes with Stress Today

“We live in a day of high stress and high pressure. We also, however, live in a day that pushes us to look outside for solutions rather than within. This causes stress to tax our coping skills because our answers are out of our reach.” – Tim Elmore

Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak discuss three trends on the rise for Generation Z and their possible ramifications. How can adults instead enable teens to build healthy coping skills themselves? By using the ABC’s of Healthy Coping.

Free Resources: “Stressed Out”
Resource: Marching Off the Map
Social: @GrowingLeaders, @TimElmore and @AndrewMcPeak
Contact: podcast@growingleaders.com