How to Celebrate Diversity with Your Students During Black History Month

The topic of diversity is one that has become more discussed over the past year than perhaps any year in history prior. One way you can continue that conversation in a healthy way is by celebrating diversity during Black History Month. Throughout the month of February, Black History Month is celebrated and its the perfect time to have intentional conversations with your students about race and diversity.
In this episode, Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak discuss the topic of diversity with Nautrie Jones, Lawrence Henderson, and Sterling Brown. Nautrie Jones leads the Teacher Leadership Development Team for Teach for America Metro Atlanta where she is charged with casting a bold vision and setting key strategies to ensure that the students in Metro Atlanta have access to quality education. Lawrence Henderson is the Senior Learning Partner for Business Operational Support Services (BOSS), LLC where he helps individuals, teams, and organizations connect to the best versions of themselves. Finally, Sterling Brown is the Director of Character Development at Kennesaw State University, where he is responsible for helping student-athletes develop the fundamentals of character that will serve and guide them throughout and following their playing careers.
Resources: Habitudes for Social & Emotional Learning
Contact: podcast@growingleaders.com
Social Media: @GrowingLeaders, @TimElmore & @AndrewMcPeak