Our Sports Leadership Training & Athlete Leadership Programs

This athletic leadership development system is based on the series of books entitled Habitudes®: Images that Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes, written by Dr. Tim Elmore, Founder of Growing Leaders. Because of the universal values this series helps to impart, athletic programs across the country have used Habitudes for athletic departments to help develop character and promote student-athlete leadership. What makes these tools so powerful is the research-based sports leadership training methods which use distinct images, conversations, and experiences to teach timeless life and sports leadership skills in an engaging, memorable way.

Each season contains a variety of resources to help you implement an athletic leadership training environment, including video sessions with Dr. Tim Elmore, in-depth Coach’s Guides that provide exercises and activities for practical application, and a Facilitator Training video that teaches you how to effectively conduct engaging student-athlete leadership training with your this new generation of athletes.

In short, Habitudes for Athletes helps you:

Transform a group of individual athletes into a unified force.

Create teams of athletes who build trust with each other and their coaches.

Create language to talk about real life issues in a safe and authentic way.

Build teams where every athlete thinks and acts like a leader.

Build athletes who make wise decisions that keep them in competition and out of trouble.

Develop resilience, EQ, and leadership perspective in athletes

The work of Tim Elmore, and the Growing Leaders team is having a very profound impact on our school. We use the Habitudes curriculum on a regular basis, and the images have already gained a foothold as an integral part of our work with our students.

Steve Helmich, President at Cathedral High School

We are seeing students from all demographics, engage in the Habitudes lessons, and having conversations on how to prepare for their life ahead of them.

Billy Richardson, Assistant Principal at Kennesaw Mountain High School


Habitudes is the most excellent program for first year students and beyond. It is a program that encourages and teaches deeper thinking and dialogue.

Sharon Taylor, Saint Martins University

I encourage schools, and school districts to partner with Growing Leaders to help both educators and students to enhance their leadership skills. They have inspired our teacher-leaders, applying the Habitudes to R. everyday classroom situation's.

Dr. Diane Ray, Professional Association Of Georgia Educators

As a university dean, I believe anyone who cares about the future of this generation should digest the materials from Tim Elmore and growing leaders. He understands what students need, and how to deliver it in a relevant fashion.

Mary Gerardy, Dean at Wake Forest University

One of the biggest things that habitudes has helped with is preparing our students to be a career and college ready upon graduation. Habitude helped each student become a better person and have a big picture perspective

Jason Lane, Principal Of Mill Creek High School

Habitudes has it all. It has the implementation of why were doing this and the why behind 'you should have integrity'. We have found something that the kids are hooked on immediately.

Julie Diaz, Principal Of Travis High School

Thank you so much for your investment at Virginia Tech. We appreciate your tremendous work with our student athletes, coaches, staff, and faculty. Simply put you have helped us grow and become better as a department.

Whit Babcock, Athletic Director At Virginia Tech

No one teaches leadership better than Tim Elmore. The Habitudes are an outstanding way to teach and learn leadership. I recommend Tim as a teacher and a mentor, and I recommend Habitudes to anyone.

Dr. John C. Maxwell, Founder of Injoy Group & EQUIP, Author of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leaderships"


View a sample of Habitudes for Athletes leadership development system.

Grow Leaders Off the Field

The Habitudes leadership development curriculum empowers educators, coaches, parents, mentors and others to prepare any young adult to become a leader. Explore other resources relevant to: