The Eight Essential Roles of School Administrators with Will Parker

Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore
Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore
The Eight Essential Roles of School Administrators with Will Parker

Education leaders today are given a difficult task of serving their school in so many different ways. If they have any hope of being successful though, they must ensure they wear the eight unique “hats” that represent the different roles they must play within their school.

In this episode, Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak interview Will Parker as he shares about these eight roles. Will serves as Founder of Principal Matters LLC and Executive Director of Oklahoma’s Association of Secondary and Middle-Level Principals. He is also an author and speaker who uses his expertise in school leadership, culture and communication to equip education leaders with solutions and strategies for motivating students, inspiring teachers, and reaching communities.

Will Parker’s Podcast: Principal Matters
Resource: Request Will Parker to Speak at Your School
: podcast@growingleaders.com
Social Media: @GrowingLeaders, @TimElmore, @AndrewMcPeak, @WilliamDP